
This plugin owns an interface to allows the admin to handle the information fetched about the behavior of the users. In addition, it possible to launch manual scans to detect if your website has been hacked.

From the interface it is possible to access all the following interactive sections of the plugin: Dashboard, Reports, Login Events, Scanner, File System and Config (Config is just a quick way to reach the Joomla! configuration of the plugin).

The interface can be accesses by clicking the Open Interface button. This button can be found in the first fieldset of the plugin configuration.

 Once the interface is open, it is possible to close it only by pressing the Close Interface button. This button will become available only after pressing the Open Interface button (a refresh of the configuration page is needed).

The  button on the title box is used to iconify the window.

The  before the window title means that it is possible to go back to the previous page of the navigation.


It is possible to move the window within the browser page by dragging it from the title box (the blue side on the top of the window).


It is possible to resize the window by dragging the bottom-right corner (the cursor must change its icon).

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