The list of channels to display with the corresponding rates for the selected period. Only the channels for which you have mapped some rooms will be available. Channels based on iCal connections do not support rooms mapping. Please notice that the module reads the rates from the website and applies the rules for altering the rates for the channels. This means that you must have launched before a Bulk Action of type Rates Upload from Vik Channel Manager.
The list of channels to display with the corresponding rates for the selected period. Only the channels for which you have mapped some rooms will be available. Channels based on iCal connections do not support rooms mapping. Please notice that the module reads the rates from the website and applies the rules for altering the rates for the channels. This means that you must have launched before a Bulk Action of type Rates Upload from Vik
Channel Manager
Channel Manager
Leave as is.
La lista de canales para mostrar con las tarifas correspondientes para el período seleccionado. Solo estarán disponibles los canales para los que ha asignado algunas habitaciones. Los canales basados en conexiones iCal no admiten el mapeo de salas. Tenga en cuenta que el módulo lee las tarifas del sitio web y aplica las reglas para modificar las tarifas de los canales. Esto significa que debe haber iniciado antes de una acción masiva de tipo Tarifas cargadas desde el administrador de canales