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Vik Secure

Vik Secure

Plugin (fr-FR)
Original Translation  
This rule is used to search for BAD .htaccess files.<br />A .htaccess file is considered suspicious if it contains one (or more) of these directives: <b>auto_prepend_file</b>, <b>auto_append_file</b>, <b>RewriteRule http</b>.<br /><br />The <b>auto_append_file</b> and <b>auto_prepend_file</b> directives include other PHP files at the beginning or at the end of the Joomle Core. The attackers may use them to include their own code.<br /><br />The <b>RewriteRule http</b> directive may include malicious external redirects. Cette règle est utilisée pour rechercher les mauvais fichiers .htaccess<br />Un fichier .htaccess est considéré comme suspect s'il contient une (ou plusieurs) de ces directives: <b>auto_prepend_file</b>, <b>auto_append_file</b>, <b>RewriteRule http</b>.<br /><br />Les <b>auto_append_file</b> et <b>auto_prepend_file</b> les directives incluent d'autres fichiers PHP au début ou à la fin du Joomle Core. Les attaquants peuvent les utiliser pour inclure leur propre code.<br /><br />Les <b>RewriteRule http</b> directive peut inclure des redirections externes malveillantes. Details
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