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Vik Rent Car

Vik Rent Car

Admin (sr-RS)
Original Translation  
These charges will be applied to the daily fares that are longer than one day. A rental from the 20th of December at 8am to the 22nd at 11am can be charged by those 3 extra hours. The setting of the configuration Hours of Extended Gratuity Period will be considered as well. So in that case, the charge for the 3 extra hours will be applied only if that setting is 0, 1 or 2, not if it is 3 or higher. From and To need an integer value, for example From 3 To 6 hours Ove naknade će se primenjivati na dnevne karte koje su duže od jednog dana. Ta 3 dodatna sata mogu se naplatiti za iznajmljivanje od 20. decembra u 8 do 22. u 11:00. Takođe će se razmotriti podešavanje konfiguracije Sati produženog perioda napojnice. Dakle, u tom slučaju će se naknada za 3 dodatna sata primeniti samo ako je ta postavka 0, 1 ili 2, a ne ako je 3 ili veća. Od i Za potrebna je celobrojna vrednost, na primer od 3 do 6 sati Details
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