If this value is set to a number greater than zero, this promotion will be valid only for early bookings. If you need to apply the promotion only to those who book N days in advance, then you should set the number of days in advance from the apposite input field. Otherwise, you should keep this setting to 0. This setting is not for Last Minute promotions, but rather for Early Bird promotions.
If this value is set to a number greater than zero, this promotion will be valid only for early bookings. If you need to apply the promotion only to those who book N days in advance, then you should set the number of days in advance from the apposite input field. Otherwise, you should keep this setting to 0. This setting is not for Last Minute promotions, but rather for Early Bird promotions.
Ako je ova vrednost postavljena na broj veći od nule, ova promocija će važiti samo za rane rezervacije. Ako trebate primeniti promociju samo na one koji rezervišu N dana unapred, tada biste trebali postaviti broj dana unapred iz odgovarajućeg polja za unos. U suprotnom, trebalo bi da zadržite ovu postavku na 0. Ova postavka nije za Last Minute promocije, već za Earli Bird promocije.