The value for increasing the website rates and to transmit them to the OTAs is taken automatically from what you have configured in Vik Channel Manager. However, you can force a custom increase value to be used for the calculation of the final costs for the OTAs by setting a value here greater than zero. Set the proper increase mode to use this value as a fixed or a percent amount.
The value for increasing the website rates and to transmit them to the
An Online Travel Agency specializes in offering planning sources and booking capabilities. Major OTAs include:
Leave as is.
is taken automatically from what you have configured in Vik
Channel Manager
Channel Manager
Leave as is.
. However, you can force a custom increase value to be used for the calculation of the final costs for the
An Online Travel Agency specializes in offering planning sources and booking capabilities. Major OTAs include:
Leave as is.
by setting a value here greater than zero. Set the proper increase mode to use this value as a fixed or a percent amount.
Wartość zwiększania stawek witryny i przesyłania ich do OTA jest pobierana automatycznie z tego, co skonfigurowałeś w Vik Channel Manager. Możesz jednak wymusić użycie niestandardowej wartości wzrostu do obliczenia ostatecznych kosztów dla OTA, ustawiając tutaj wartość większą niż zero. Ustaw właściwy tryb wzrostu, aby użyć tej wartości jako kwoty stałej lub procentowej.