The website rates modification rules for the OTAs are taken automatically from what was set up on Vik Channel Manager. However, it is also possible to force the increase operator for the website rates to calculate the final costs on the OTAs. Choose between a percent increase operator or an absolute amount in your currency. For example, 15 % or EUR 20
The website rates modification rules for the
An Online Travel Agency specializes in offering planning sources and booking capabilities. Major OTAs include:
Leave as is.
are taken automatically from what was set up on Vik
Channel Manager
Channel Manager
Leave as is.
. However, it is also possible to force the increase operator for the website rates to calculate the final costs on the
An Online Travel Agency specializes in offering planning sources and booking capabilities. Major OTAs include:
Leave as is.
. Choose between a percent increase operator or an absolute amount in your currency. For example, 15 % or EUR 20
Zasady modyfikacji stawek witryny dla OTA są pobierane automatycznie z tego, co zostało skonfigurowane w Vik Channel Manager. Można jednak również zmusić operatora podwyżek stawek witryny do obliczenia ostatecznych kosztów w OTA. Wybierz pomiędzy operatorem podwyżek procentowych lub kwotą bezwzględną w swojej walucie. Na przykład 15% lub 20 EUR