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Vik Rent Car

Vik Rent Car

Admin (ko-KR)
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If this value is set to a number greater than zero, this promotion will be valid only for early bookings. If you need to apply the promotion only to those who book N days in advance, then you should set the number of days in advance from the apposite input field. Otherwise, you should keep this setting to 0. This setting is not for Last Minute promotions, but rather for Early Bird promotions. 이 값을 0보다 큰 값으로 설정하면 이 프로모션은 조기 예약의 경우에만 유효합니다. N일 전에 예약한 사람에게만 프로모션을 적용해야 하는 경우 해당 입력 필드에서 날짜를 미리 설정해야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 이 설정을 0으로 유지해야 합니다. 이 설정은 라스트 미닛 프로모션이 아닌 얼리 버드 프로모션을 위한 것입니다. Details
All special pricing rules are applied on the cars base costs as a cumulative charge or discount even in case of multiple rules applied on the same rental dates. This algorithm follows the OpenTravel (OTA) standards, and here is an example of how two special pricing rules are typically applied on the bases costs to obtain the final price:<br/><br/><ul><li>Car base cost = 80/day</li><li>Reservation for 3 days</li><li>One Special Price sets a charge of 20/day to obtain a cost of 100/day</li><li>One Last-Minute promotion applies a 10% off</li></ul><br/><strong>Calculation of final price</strong><br/><ul><li>1st day (80 + 20 - 8) = 92</li><li>2nd day (80 + 20 - 8) = 92</li><li>3rd day (80 + 20 - 8) = 92</li><li><u>Final price</u> 92 * 3 = 276</li></ul><br/>With this default calculation method, the 10% off promotion has been applied cumulatively on the car base cost for each day affected.<br/>If the parameter <i>Apply on cars final cost</i> was enabled, the calculation would be performed with the following method:<br/><ul><li>1st day (80 + 20) = 100</li><li>2nd day (80 + 20) = 100</li><li>3rd day (80 + 20) = 100</li><li><u>Final price before promotion</u> 100 * 3 = 300</li><li><u>Promotion applied on final cost</u> 300 - 10% = 270</li></ul><br/>You should choose the calculation method that best fits your needs. Applying promotions on the final price for specific dates is usually more handy, but you can choose to adopt the default calculation method like for all the other special pricing rules. 모든 특별 가격 규정은 동일한 대여일에 여러 개의 규정이 적용되는 경우에도 누적 요금 또는 할인으로 자동차 기본 비용에 적용됩니다. 이 알고리즘은 OTA(OpenTravel) 기준을 따르며, 일반적으로 두 가지 특별 가격 규정을 기본 비용에 적용하여 최종 가격을 구한 예를 보여 줍니다. <br/><br/><br/><li>자동차 기본 비용 = 80/day</li><li>3일 예약 </li><li><li>1회 특가는 20/day로 요금을 책정하여 100/day의 비용을 획득합니다. </li><br/><strong>최종 가격 계산 </li><br/><li>1일차(80 + 20 - 8) = 92</li><li>2일차(80 + 20 - 8) = 92</li><li><li>3일차(80 + 20 - 8) = 92</li><li><u>최종 가격 </u>92 * 3 = 276</li></li><br/><br/><i>파라미터 <i><li>1일차(80 + 20) =100</li><li>2일차(80 + 20) =100</li><li><u>최종 가격에 적용되는 프로모션은 100 * 3 =300</li><u>300 - 10% =270</li></li><br/><br/><br/>><br/>><br/>><r><r><r><u>고객의 니즈에 가장 적합한 계산 방법을 선택해야 합니다.특정 날짜의 최종 가격에 프로모션을 적용하는 것이 보통 더 편리하지만, 모든 기본 계산 방법을 마음에 들어 선택할 수 있습니다. Details
Repeat until Double click to add Details
Cars Assigned Double click to add Details
This option is assigned to %d cars over %d. Double click to add Details
Car Option updated successfully Double click to add Details
Ordering position Double click to add Details
Leave this field empty for letting the system calculate the ordering position automatically Double click to add Details
Type Flag Double click to add Details
There are several sub-types of fields that tell the system what kind of information was collected from the customer. Choose the appropriate type and remember to only create one field of type eMail that will be used for the notifications. Double click to add Details
Selecting no week days equals to selecting all 7 week days Double click to add Details
The name of this pricing rule. Visible only if &quot;Promotion&quot; enabled. Can be left empty Double click to add Details
If disabled, the pricing rule will be applied on the selected range of dates regardless of the year Double click to add Details
If enabled, the rule will be applied only if the pick-up date for the rental is included in the range of dates Double click to add Details
Make this pricing rule a &quot;Promotion&quot; to display it in the front-end booking process Double click to add Details
The (optional) information/description text of your promotion Double click to add Details
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