This is the number of hours of wait for Pending reservations to become -Removed- automatically. If this setting is greater than zero and the reservations do not become Confirmed within this number of hours, the reservations will be set to Removed automatically. Please notice that Pending reservations with a participation date in the past will always be set to -Removed- when attemping to pay.
This is the number of hours of wait for Pending reservations to become -Removed- automatically. If this setting is greater than zero and the reservations do not become Confirmed within this number of hours, the reservations will be set to Removed automatically. Please notice that Pending reservations with a participation date in the past will always be set to -Removed- when attemping to pay.
Dit is het aantal uren wachten voordat reserveringen in afwachting automatisch worden -Verwijderd-. Als deze instelling groter is dan nul en de reserveringen worden niet binnen dit aantal uren Bevestigd, worden de reserveringen automatisch op Verwijderd gezet. Houd er rekening mee dat reserveringen in behandeling met een deelnamedatum in het verleden altijd worden ingesteld op -Verwijderd- wanneer u probeert te betalen.