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Zoom for Vik Appointments

Zoom for Vik Appointments

System (ja-JP)
Original Translation  
Order Number Double click to add Details
The order number of your purchase (you can find it in your purchase e-mail).<br />The order number is mandatory to receive software updates. Double click to add Details
Application Type Double click to add Details
<b>JWT</b> applications will no longer work starting from June 1st, 2023. You should always create <b>Server-to-Server OAuth</b> applications. Double click to add Details
Account ID Double click to add Details
The <b>Account ID</b> parameter that you can find under the <b>App Credentials</b> section of your Zoom JWT/OAuth application. Double click to add Details
SDK Key Double click to add Details
The <b>SDK Key</b> parameter that you can find under your <b>Meeting SDK</b> application. Double click to add Details
SDK Secret Double click to add Details
The <b>SDK Secret</b> parameter that you can find under your <b>Meeting SDK</b> application. Double click to add Details
Where do I find the SDK credentials? Double click to add Details
<p>The embedded video feature requires the <code>SDK Key</code> and <code>SDK Secret</code> parameters in order to work. These parameters can be found within the <b>Credentials Page</b> of your Zoom App account.</p><p>If you haven't built yet a Zoom App, try to follow these steps:</p><ol><li>Visit the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Zoom Marketplace</a> page.</li><li>Click on the <b>Develop</b> button on the top-right side of the page and then select <b>Build App</b> option.</li><li>Select <b>Meeting SDK</b> type and click on the <b>Create</b> button.</li><li>After completing the App configuration, click the <b>App Credentials</b> tab on the left sidebar.</li><li>Copy the API credentials and paste them within the plugin configuration.</li></ol> Double click to add Details
The <b>API Key</b> parameter that you can find under the <b>App Credentials</b> section of your Zoom JWT/OAuth application. Zoomアカウントの<b>App Credentials</b>セクションにある<b> API Key </ b>パラメータ。 Details
The <b>API Secret</b> parameter that you can find under the <b>App Credentials</b> section of your Zoom JWT/OAuth application. Zoomアカウントの<b>App Credentials</b>セクションにある<b> API Secret </ b>パラメータ。 Details
If you are using a <b>Zoom Vanity URL</b>, such as <em></em>, you can enter it here. If you are using a <b>Zoom Vanity URL</b>, such as <em></em>, you can enter it here. Details
<p>Both the <code>API Key</code> and <code>API Secret</code> can be found within the <b>Credentials Page</b> of your Zoom App account.</p><p>If you haven't built yet a Zoom App, try to follow these steps:</p><ol><li>Visit the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Zoom Marketplace</a> page.</li><li>Click on the <b>Develop</b> button on the top-right side of the page and then select <b>Build App</b> option.</li><li>Select <b>Server-to-Server OAuth</b> type and click on the <b>Create</b> button.</li><li>Access the <b>Scopes</b> section and click the <b>Add Scopes</b> button. You should select at least all the scopes under the <b>Meeting</b> and <b>User</b> groups.</li><li>After completing the App configuration, click the <b>App Credentials</b> tab on the left sidebar.</li><li>Copy the API credentials (<b>Account ID</b>, <b>Client ID</b>, <b>Client Secret</b>) and paste them within the plugin configuration.</li></ol> <p><code>API Key</code>と<code>API Secret</code>はどちらも、ZoomAppアカウントの<b>認証情報ページ</b>内にあります。</p><p>Zoomアプリをまだ作成していない場合は、次の手順に従ってください。</p><ol><li><a href="https//" target="_blank">ズームマーケットプレイス</a>ページ</li><li>ページの右上にある<b>開発</b>ボタンをクリックしてから、<b>ビルドアプリ<を選択します。</b>オプション</li><li><b>JWT</b>タイプを選択し、<b>作成</b>ボタンをクリックします</li><li>アプリの構成が完了したら、左側のサイドバーの[アプリの認証情報]セクション</li><li>API認証情報をコピーして、プラグイン構成内に貼り付けます。</li></ol> Details
<p>Not necessarily. All the features used by this plugin are available also for <b>FREE</b> plans.</p><p>You might consider to purchase a plan in case you need one of the following points:</p><ul><li>I want to host group meetings that last more than <b>40</b> minutes (3+ participants only)</li><li>I need to host group meetings for more than <b>100</b> participants</li><li>The employees in my website should be able to host different meetings at the same time</li><li>My website should communicate with Zoom more than 100 times per day (because of the <b>REST API</b> rate limit)</li></ul><p>For further details on the features supported by your plan, you can take a look at pricing page on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Zoom</a>.</p> <p>必ずしもそうとは限りません。このプラグインで使用されるすべての機能は、<b>無料</b>プランでも利用できます。</p><p>次のいずれかのポイントが必要な場合は、プランの購入を検討してください。</p><ul><li><b>40</b>分以上続くグループ会議を主催したい(3人以上の参加者のみ)</li><li><b>100以上のグループ会議を主催する必要がある</b>参加者</li><li>私のウェブサイトの従業員は、同時にさまざまな会議を主催できる必要があります</li><li>私のウェブサイトは、1日に100回以上Zoomと通信する必要があります(<b>REST API</b>の料金制限)</li></ul><p>プランでサポートされている機能の詳細については、<a href="https//" target="_blank">ズーム</a>。</p> Details
<p>The plugin creates a meeting every time the status of an appointment changes to <b>APPROVED</b> (e.g. confirmed or paid).</p><p>The plugin deletes a meeting every time the status of an appointment changes to <b>CANCELLED</b> (e.g. cancelled or refunded). The meeting is NOT removed on Zoom in case you delete an appointment without cancelling it first.</p> <p>プラグインは、予定のステータスが<b>確認済み</ b>になるたびに会議を作成します。</ p> <p>プラグインは、予定のステータスが<b>キャンセル済み<になるたびに会議を削除します。 / b>。最初にキャンセルせずに予定を削除した場合、Zoomで会議が削除されることはありません。</p> Details
<p>You can check for new updates and install them directly through the <b>Joomla! Updates</b> system, which can be found under the <b>Extensions</b> &raquo; <b>Manage</b> &raquo; <b>Update</b> page.</p><p>For your information, you are currently using the <b>%s</b> version of the plugin.</p> <p>新しいアップデートを確認し、<b> Joomla!から直接インストールできます。アップデート</ b>システム。<b>拡張機能</ b>の下にあります&raquo; <b>管理</ b>&raquo; <b>更新</ b>ページ。</ p> <p>参考までに、現在、プラグインの<b>%s </ b>バージョンを使用しています。</ p> Details