public function onAfterDispatchWebhook(object $response, object $hook) : void

Fires after transmitting the payload to the web hook.


Plugins can use this filter to manipulate the response received after deploying the web hook.



(object)  The HTTP response holding the following properties:

  • code - the HTTP status code;
  • headers - an associative array containing the headers received by the server;
  • body - the response received by the server.

(object)  An object holding the web hook details, such as the notified URL and a secret key.

Return Value



 * Plugins can use this event to manipulate the response received after
 * deploying the web hook.
 * @param   object  $response  The HTTP response object.
 * @param   object  $hook      The web hook details.
 * @return  void
public function onAfterDispatchWebhook($response, $hook)
     * @todo any changes applied to $response will be automatically saved into the log file


1.7 Introduced.
Last Update: 2021-10-08 16:26
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