public function onBeforeSendMailEmployeeRegistration(string &$subject, string &$content, array $employee) : bool

Fires before sending a notification e-mail during the employee registration process.


Trigger hook to allow external plugins to manipulate the e-mail subject and text sent to the administrator(s) after a successful employee registration.

It is possible to use this hook to do other kind of stuff after the employee registration, since this is the last triggered hook.



(string)  The e-mail subject.


(string)  The e-mail (HTML) content.


(array)  An array containing the details filled by the employee, such as firstname, lastname and email.

Return Value



The example below explains how to take advantage of this filter to send a notification e-mail also to the employee that has just registered an account.

 * Trigger hook to allow external plugins to manipulate the e-mail subject and text
 * sent to the administrator(s) after a successful employee registration.
 * @param   string   &$subject  The e-mail subject.
 * @param   string   &$content  The e-mail (HTML) content.
 * @param   array    $employee  An array containing the details filled by the employee.
 * @return  boolean  False to prevent the e-mail sending.
public function onBeforeSendMailEmployeeRegistration(&$subject, &$content, $employee)
    // send a notification e-mail also to the employee
        // the sender e-mail address
        // the sender name
        // the recipient e-mail address
        // the reply-to e-mail address
        // the e-mail subject
        'Subject goes here...',
        // the e-mail body
        '<p>Mail body goes here...</p>',
        // the attachments to include (none in this case)
        $attachments = null,
        // true in case the body contains HTML tags, false in case of plain text
        $is_html = true

    return true;


Version Description
1.7 Introduced.
Last Update: 2021-10-08 09:22
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