public function onBeforeParseConversionSnippet(array &$lookup, mixed $order, object $conversion) : void

Fires before parsing the snippet included within the conversion code. 


Trigger hook before parsing the placeholders contained within a snippet of a conversion/tracking code.

It is possible to use this hook to inject or change the attributes of the $lookup array.

Here's how to add support for a new placeholder:

$lookup['tax'] = 12.50;

And here's how to include that value within the JS snippet:

var taxAmount = {tax};



(array)  An array of placeholders.


(array|object)  An array/object holding the order details.


(object)  The object holding the details of the conversion code.

Return Value



This example adds support for a new {tax} placeholder, which will be replaced by the total tax amount of the order.

 * Trigger hook before parsing the placeholders contained within a snippet of
 * a conversion/tracking code. It is possible to use this hook to inject or
 * change the attributes of the $lookup array.
 * @param  array   &$lookup     An array of placeholders.
 * @param  mixed   $order       An array/object holding the order details.
 * @param  object  $conversion  The conversion details.
public function onBeforeParseConversionSnippet(&$lookup, $order, $conversion)
    // search for taxes only if we have an order wrapper
    if ($order instanceof VAPOrderWrapper)
        // register tax placeholder
        $lookup['tax'] = $order->totals->tax;


1.7 Introduced.
Last Update: 2021-10-06 17:05
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