Vik Wall Image
This module allow you to insert a big image or a video as a background of a particular template area, the image can roll or can be fix.


The Vik Counter module supports the FontAwesome library. You can take a look to the icons availabily on the library on this link.

  • Counter Image For each counter you can add a image that will be displayed above the value, title and description.
  • FontAwesome Icon Code If you'd like to use an icon, please follow these steps:
    1. Go on the FontAwesome official website here.
    2. Click on your icon selected from the free icon set.
    3. From the top of the page you'll see the HTML code suggested from the author.

      Font Awesome HTML code

    4. Copy this code and paste it inside the FontAwesome Icon Code field.

      Font Awesome Vik Counter

  • Counter Title The title of your counter.
  • Value This is the number to reach starting from 0.
  • Counter Caption The description of your counter.


  • Type Image You can choose to let your image scroll or not during the scrolling page.
  • Title Effect With this parameter you can decide which entrance effect apply to your title.
  • Description Effect With this parameter you can decide which entrance effect apply to your description.
  • Container Height If this field is empty, it will be applied the default padding.
  • Enable Mask You can choose if enable or not a mask hover your image, then you can choose the color and the opacity mask.
  • Color Mask Choose the color of your mask.
  • Color Text Choose the color of the text over your image.
  • Level Opacity Mask This value setup the transparency of the mask. The values start from 0 to 1, where 0 is completely transparent and 1 is totally visible.

Download Module

Last Update: 2019-07-12 16:02
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