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Vik Restaurants

Vik Restaurants

Site (sq-AL)
Original Translation  
After closing the bill, it will be no more possible to order further dishes. Double click to add Details
Payment done! The validation may take a few minutes. Please, try to refresh the page. Double click to add Details
Total %s Double click to add Details
Pay Now %s Double click to add Details
Tip for the restaurant Double click to add Details
Round tip Double click to add Details
Hi %s, you can visit the following link to start ordering your dishes:\n%s Double click to add Details
Start Ordering Dishes Double click to add Details
Hi %s,\n\nWelcome at %s! You received this e-mail because you seated at the table and you are waiting to order.\n\nSince we are no more using paper menus, you can visit the following link to start ordering your dishes:\n%s\n\nWhen you are done with ordering, don't forget to click the \"Order Now\" button to notify the kitchen. Instead, you can click the \"Close Bill\" button to inform the kitchen that you are not going to order anything else. At this point, you can also decide to pay online, without having to interact with an operator. Double click to add Details
order-dishes Double click to add Details
The members of the group belong to the same family Double click to add Details
The containment measures of COVID-19 require that a certain distance be maintained between people who are not part of the same family. You should flag this option if you constantly live with the other members of the group. If not, the system will search for larger tables so that the distance can be maintained. Double click to add Details
Reservations are accepted within %s since the current date. Double click to add Details
Delivery Charge Double click to add Details
%d people Double click to add Details
1 person Double click to add Details
Order Dishes Double click to add Details
It will be possible to order the dishes only once the reservation will be confirmed. Double click to add Details
It will be possible to order the dishes only at the moment of the check-in. Double click to add Details
The bill has been closed. It is no more possible to order further dishes. Double click to add Details
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