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Vik Restaurants

Vik Restaurants

Site (sq-AL)
Original Translation  
The order has been rejected successfully. Double click to add Details
Rejection Link Double click to add Details
PIN Code Double click to add Details
You'll be asked to enter this PIN code after scanning the QR code at the restaurant, needed to start the ordering process at the table. Double click to add Details
Enter your PIN here Double click to add Details
You can find the PIN code within the notification e-mail received after the confirmation of your reservation. Please contact the staff of the restaurant if you are not able to recover your PIN code. Double click to add Details
No reservations found for the selected table. Please contact the staff of the restaurant. Double click to add Details
It looks like there are multiple reservations assigned to this table at the current time. Please contact the staff of the restaurant. Double click to add Details
The entered PIN is incorrect. Please, try again. Double click to add Details
You still have %d attempts left. Double click to add Details
You only have 1 attempt left. Double click to add Details
You have run out of attempts! Please contact the staff of the restaurant. Double click to add Details
Your Order Double click to add Details
The ordered dishes have been transmitted to the kitchen. Double click to add Details
Bill Amount Double click to add Details
Close Bill Double click to add Details
Pay Now Double click to add Details
When you are done with dishes ordering, don't forget to click the \"Order Now\" button to transmit the ordered dishes to the kitchen. You are able to order further dishes as long as the bill is open.<br /><br />When you don't want to order anything else, just hit the \"Close Bill\" button. Double click to add Details
It seems that some dishes have not been transmitted to the kitchen. Would you like to proceed anyway? Double click to add Details
Would you like to close the bill and proceed with the payment? Double click to add Details
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