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Vik Restaurants

Vik Restaurants

Admin (sq-AL)
Original Translation  
Choose whether the users should provide a reason for the cancellation request. Double click to add Details
The API framework can be used to connect third-party applications and web servers to this VikRestaurants through HTTP requests. Double click to add Details
Choose whether the server should log nothing, everything or only the errors. Even if some logs are disabled, the last received one will be always logged. Double click to add Details
The logs older than the specified threshold will be automatically deleted in order to free some disk space. You can also choose to prevent the system from automatically deleting the logs. Double click to add Details
Turn on this value to allow the customers to select the phone prefix of their country. If you accept reservations only from one country, you can turn off this setting. The default phone prefix can be changed from the details of the <b>Phone Number</b> custom field. Double click to add Details
Select here the default type of taxes to use. It is possible to specify different types of taxes from the management page of each single item that has a cost. Double click to add Details
Enable this option to display line by line all the applied types of taxes before the total amount. Double click to add Details
This value indicates the maximum number of meals that can be prepared (and ordered) on each interval. Notice that only the items that require a preparation will be counted here. There are no restrictions for the purchase of ready items, such as, in example, the bottles of water. Double click to add Details
Choose if you are able to deliver the ordered food to the addresses provided by the customers. Thanks to the <b>Delivery Areas</b> you are able to define what are the zones that you are actually able to cover. With the usage of the <b>Special Days</b> instead you are able to choose for what days and times the delivery service should be available. Double click to add Details
Insert here the base charge that should be applied to those users that choose the delivery service. This charge can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the total cost. It is possible to increase/decrease this amount depending on the delivery area to which the address of the user belongs to. Double click to add Details
Enter here the minimum amount needed to proceed with the purchase. Orders with a total cost lower than the specified amount won't be able to proceed with the purchase. While configuring a delivery area it is possible to overwrite this value. Since the system always takes the highest amount, the value specified here should be the lowest one. Through the special days it is possible to manually overwrite the minimum amount without caring of the delivery areas configuration. Double click to add Details
The text specified here will be displayed at the beginning of the take-away menus list page. It is possible to use this text to inform the users about any warnings they should be aware of. Double click to add Details
The delivery charge won't be applied to all the orders with a total NET higher than the amount specified here. Double click to add Details
This setting defines the number of minutes for which the system should keep a PENDING order as locked, so that the selected check-in cannot be overbooked. In case an order is not confirmed within the estabilished range of time, the status of the latter will be flagged as REMOVED and the occupied time slot will be free again. Double click to add Details
These are the default columns that can be shown within the take-away orders table. Double click to add Details
The stocks system is able to track the remaining units of your products. Enable this parameter if you want to be sure that you are not going to sell more products then you actually own. Double click to add Details
<p>This is the HTML template that will be used to generate the notification e-mail sent to the administrators when the remaining units of one ore more products reached or exceeded the minimum threshold.</p><p>%s</p> Double click to add Details
Insert here the charge that should be applied to those users that choose to take away the ordered food. You can insert a negative amount to apply a discount instead. This is useful to incentivize the users to prefer the takeaway rather than the delivery service. This amount can be fixed or a percentage of the total cost. Double click to add Details
Enter here the maximum number of meals that a customer can purchase with a single order. Notice that only the items that require a preparation will be counted here. There are no restrictions for the purchase of ready items, such as, in example, the bottles of water. Enter a high value if you don't want to apply this kind of restriction. Double click to add Details
When clicking the button to add an item into the cart, the system may open a popup, which can be used to specify the quantity, write some notes about the food and select the toppings, if any. Thanks to this setting you can choose when this popup should be displayed. Notice that it is always possible to open this popup by clicking the item name from the cart module, which is meant to edit the ordered item. Double click to add Details
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