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Vik Restaurants

Vik Restaurants

Admin (sq-AL)
Original Translation  
Cancel Tip Removal Double click to add Details
Cancel Tip Adding Double click to add Details
Changes will be applied after saving the page. Double click to add Details
Enter the discount to apply. Append a \"%\" at the end to apply a percentage discount. Double click to add Details
Enter the tip to apply. Append a \"%\" at the end to apply a percentage tip. Double click to add Details
Enter the service charge/discount to apply. Append a \"%\" at the end to apply a percentage value. Double click to add Details
Leave empty to hide the label for this shift. Double click to add Details
Choose all the menus available for the dates matching the configuration of this special day (unpublished menus will be ignored). Double click to add Details
When empty, the menu selection will be ignored. Double click to add Details
When empty, the food ordering won't be allowed and the restaurant will be treated as closed. Double click to add Details
When enabled, the datepicker will highlight the dates matching the configuration of this special day. Double click to add Details
Enable this option to always keep open the restaurant in case a matching date is also covered by a closing day. Double click to add Details
The images will be only used by the <b>VikRestaurants Event</b> module. Double click to add Details
Enable this option to allow the customers to choose a menu during the booking process. This way the restaurant can assume that the customers are going to eat the food listed in the selected menu(s). Double click to add Details
Choose here the maximum number of guests that the restaurant can host simultaneously. Set this value to 0 to immediately block the future booking for all the matching dates. Double click to add Details
Allow this user to access the Operators Area within the front-end. Double click to add Details
Enable this option to log the actions performed by this operator. Double click to add Details
Separators can be used to categorize the toppings at administration level. This can speed up the assignment of the toppings to the products. Double click to add Details
You should now update the products to which this topping is assigned. Double click to add Details
New Price Double click to add Details
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