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Vik Restaurants

Vik Restaurants

Admin (sq-AL)
Original Translation  
This value indicates the interval of minutes displayed for every hours. In example, when selecting %d, the time dropdown will display the hours as: %s. Double click to add Details
This value indicates the average time of stay (in minutes) of the reservations. This means that, by default, the check-out of the reservations will be equals to the sum of the check-in and the value specified here. It is still possible to manually update the time of stay of the reservations from their management page. A table will result as occupied for the whole time of stay set for the related reservation. Double click to add Details
This value indicates the minimum number of people that can be selected while booking a table from the front-end. Double click to add Details
This value indicates the maximum number of people that can be selected while booking a table from the front-end. Double click to add Details
Choose how the users should pick the room and table during the search process in the front-end.<ul><li>The customers need to pick a room and a table from the interactive map.</li><li>The customers need to pick the room where they want to stay. The best table (or combination) will be automatically selected by the system.</li><li>The table (or combination) that mostly suit the search query will be automatically selected by the system. In this case, the second step might be automatically skipped as no action is required by the users.</li></ul> Double click to add Details
Specify here the total amount that should be left as deposit in order to confirm the reservation. Double click to add Details
Choose whether the deposit amount should be left by each participant of the group. Double click to add Details
This setting defines the number of minutes for which the system should keep a PENDING reservation as locked, so that nobody can reserve a table that is being reserved by another client. In case a reservation is not confirmed within the estabilished range of time, the status of the latter will be flagged as REMOVED and the table will be free again. Double click to add Details
Shows the software version and credits at the end of the pages (back-end only). Double click to add Details
How much time (in minutes) the customers have to book in advance. In case this value was set to <em>120</em> minutes and the current time is <em>10:00</em>, the first available time slot (for the current day) would be at <em>12:00</em>. Double click to add Details
Select the login requirements for the reservations according to the provided restrictions:<ul><li><b>Never</b> - the system never asks to the users to log in or register an account;</li><li><b>Optional</b> - the users are allowed, but never forced, to log in or register an account;</li><li><b>Mandatory</b> - the users are forced to log in or register an account before to proceed with the reservation.</li></ul> Double click to add Details
Choose whether the users can create an account during the booking process. When disabled, the users will be able to register an account only according to the native settings of the CMS. Double click to add Details
Choose the default status that will be used while registering a reservation/order from the front-end. The default status will be used only in case the reservation/order doesn't require a payment. In that case, <b>%s</b> will be always used. Double click to add Details
Choose whether the dashboard should display the restaurant section and all the related widgets. Double click to add Details
This value indicates the interval that will be used to refresh the widgets of the dashboard. The lower the value, the quicker the dashboard will be updated. It is recommended to choose a value between <em>30</em> and <em>120</em> seconds in order to avoid querying the database too often. Double click to add Details
These are the default columns that can be shown within the restaurant reservations table. Double click to add Details
Choose whether the customers are allowed to pre-select a menu during the booking process. Bear in mind that you are always able to overwrite this setting by creating an apposite special day. Double click to add Details
Choose whether the customers are allowed to auto-cancel their reservations/orders. When enabled, it is possible to set up some restrictions. Double click to add Details
Select all the statuses for which you wish to automatically send an e-mail notification to the customers. This setting is considered only when the status is changed as a result of an action performed by the customer itself. Double click to add Details
Select all the statuses for which you wish to automatically send an e-mail notification to the operators. This setting is considered only when the status is changed as a result of an action performed by the customer. Double click to add Details
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