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Vik Restaurants

Vik Restaurants

Admin (sq-AL)
Original Translation  
Regenerate Double click to add Details
If you regenerate this QR code, the existing ones you might have already used or printed will be immediately invalidated. Do you want to proceed? Double click to add Details
This is the PIN code that your customers should use to start the ordering process through the QR code. Double click to add Details
The ordering process has been locked because someone failed the authentication 3 consecutive times. Double click to add Details
Unlock PIN Double click to add Details
Enable this option in case the menu should be available only in a particular period of the year. This way, the menu will be published only by creating an apposite special day. Double click to add Details
Enable this option to allow the customers to choose this menu during the booking process. This way the restaurant can assume that the customers are going to eat the food listed here. Double click to add Details
Enable this option to include this section within the filter bar. From here, the customers are allowed to filter the products by section. Double click to add Details
Add Menu Section Double click to add Details
Edit Menu Section Double click to add Details
%d products Double click to add Details
1 product Double click to add Details
No product Double click to add Details
This is the deposit that the customer is supposed to leave in order to confirm this reservation. Double click to add Details
When the bill is closed, it is not possible to add or edit items. Double click to add Details
Define here how long the table should remain occupied. Double click to add Details
You need to select at least a table. Double click to add Details
The capacity of the selected tables doesn't seem to be enough to host the specified number of participants. Do you want to proceed anyway? Double click to add Details
On this day there are some menus available for booking. The number of selected menus (%d/%d) does not match the number of participants. Do you want to proceed anyway? Double click to add Details
Cancel Discount Removal Double click to add Details
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