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Vik Restaurants

Vik Restaurants

Admin (pt-BR)
Original Translation  
Choose room and table Escolha a Mesa (& Ambiente) Details
Choose room only Escolha Apenas o Ambiente Details
Choose nothing Escolher nada Details
Error while uploading the file Erro ao Carregar o logotipo da Empresa Details
The selected file is not supported Arquivo do logotipo não e arquivo de imagem Details
Total Valor Details
VikRestaurants - Edit Take-Away Order VikRestaurants - Editar Reserva de encomenda Details
VikRestaurants - Take-Away Orders VikRestaurants - Encomendas Reservas Details
Order Details Detalhes da Reserva Details
Take-Away Order Sequencia de Entrega Details
Check-in Checkin Details
Enable Delivery Serviço de Entrega Details
Delivery Charge Valor da Entrega Details
Minimum Total Cost Valor Min por encomenda Details
Free Delivery Entrega Gratuita com Details
Orders Temporary Lock Manter a encomenda bloqueada para Details
VikRestaurants - Exporting Take-Away Orders Exportação de Encomendas reservadas Details
The restaurant is closed for the selected date and time O Bar estará fechado no dia e hora selecionado Details
ZIP Code CEP Details
Y/m/d Double click to add Details
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