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Vik Restaurants

Vik Restaurants

Admin (ja-JP)
Original Translation  
Cancel Reservation 予約のキャンセル Details
Apply to All すべてに適用 Details
day(s) 日々 Details
Manage Closures 閉鎖を管理する Details
VikRestaurants - Rooms Closures VikRestaurants - Rooms Closures Details
VikRestaurants - New Room Closure VikRestaurants - New Room Closure Details
VikRestaurants - Edit Room Closure VikRestaurants - Edit Room Closure Details
Room 部屋(個室) Details
Closed From 閉鎖元 Details
Closed To 閉鎖先 Details
Duration 期限 Details
Status 状況 Details
Active アクティブ Details
Not Active 非活動中 Details
Expired 期限切れ Details
VikRestaurants - New Customer VikRestaurants - New Customer Details
VikRestaurants - Edit Customer VikRestaurants - Edit Customer Details
VikRestaurants - Customers VikRestaurants - Customers Details
Customers お客様 Details
User Account ユーザーアカウント Details
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