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Vik Restaurants

Vik Restaurants

Admin (de-DE)
Original Translation  
Date Datum Details
Select Auswahlbox Details
Checkbox Kontrollkästchen Details
Separator Separator Details
Restaurant Name Restaurant-Name Details
Admin e-Mail Admin E-Mail Details
Company Logo Firmenlogo Details
Date Format Datumsformat Details
Time Format Zeitformat Details
Currency Symbol Währungssymbol Details
Currency Name Währungsname Details
Opening Time Mode Geschäftszeiten Details
Average Time of Stay Durchschnittl. Besuchszeit Details
Minimum People Minimum Personen Details
Maximum People Maximum Personen Details
Allow clients to Ermögliche Kunden Details
Deposit per Reservation Kosten pro Reservierung Details
Deposit per Person Kosten pro Person Details
Closing Days Ruhetage Details
Add Day Tag hinzufügen Details
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