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Vik Restaurants

Vik Restaurants

Admin (da-DK)
Original Translation  
File Extension Double click to add Details
Author Double click to add Details
If not specified, the name of the current user will be taken. Double click to add Details
Version Double click to add Details
If not specified, the current date and time will be used. Double click to add Details
Snippet Double click to add Details
You'll be able to export this code block in a .json format. This is useful to easily import snippets on different website or to preserve a backup copy. Double click to add Details
<p>The <b>CodeHub</b> is a tool that can be used to safely introduce new blocks of code to extend the default functionalities of the program.</p><p>The system currently supports all the following programming interfaces: %s.</p><p><b>IMPORTANT NOTE:</b> the code blocks are launched only when VikRestaurants is properly executed.</p> Double click to add Details
<p>The javascript block is automatically wrapped in a safe <a href="" target="_blank">IIFE</a> statement to avoid breaking the flow in case of errors.</p><p>Inside this statement you immediately have access to <code>$</code> and <code>w</code> variables, which are an alias for <code>jQuery</code> and <code>window</code> objects respectively.</p><p>In case you need to register functions globally, you must assign them to the window variable. Something like: <code>w.doStuff = () => { /** todo */ }</code>.</p> Double click to add Details
Here you can define the locations of the restaurant, which are used by the system to calculate the distance between your locations and the address of the customers. Double click to add Details
VikRestaurants - Locations Double click to add Details
VikRestaurants - Edit Location Double click to add Details
VikRestaurants - New Location Double click to add Details
Marker Image Double click to add Details
An optional image to be used as marker inside Google Map. Leave empty to use the default one. Double click to add Details
The description is displayed after clicking the marker from Google Map. Do not enter the address of the location because it is automatically taken from the related field. Double click to add Details
Start filling the form to let the system fetches the coordinates of the location. Afterwards you will be able to adjust the coordinates by dragging the marker on the map. Double click to add Details
Microsoft Excel Double click to add Details
Exports the rows in a (non-standard) CSV format compatible with Microsoft Excel. Double click to add Details
No reservation Double click to add Details
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