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Vik Rent Car

Vik Rent Car

Admin (sr-RS)
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Download Check-in Document Preuzmite dokument za prijavu Details
ID/Confirmation Number ID/broj potvrde Details
Filter by Characteristics Filtriraj prema karakteristikama Details
Car Damages in Check-in PDF Oštećenja automobila pri prijavi u PDF-u Details
Damage Marks Only Samo oznake oštećenja Details
Numbered Damage Marks Označene oznake oštećenja Details
Damage Marks and Explanations Oznake oštećenja i objašnjenja Details
XML (for any Rental Management Software) XML (za bilo koji softver za upravljanje iznajmljivanjem) Details
Software Driver File Datoteka upravljačkog programa softvera Details
Error loading the XML Software Driver File Greška pri učitavanju datoteke upravljačkog programa XML softvera Details
Thumbnails Size Veličina sličica Details
Generate Invoices Generišite fakture Details
Invoices Starting Number Početni broj faktura Details
Number Suffix Sufiks broja Details
Date Datum Details
Use Order Date Koristite Datum naručivanja Details
Send Invoices to the customers via email Pošaljite fakture klijentima putem e -pošte Details
%d invoice(s) will be generated %d faktura (e) će biti generisano Details
Invoice Number Broj fakture Details
Description Opis Details
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