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Vik Rent Car

Vik Rent Car

Admin (sr-RS)
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Change method of payment to Promenite način plaćanja u Details
Payments Log Dnevnik plaćanja Details
View in front site Pogled ispred stranice Details
Total with current pricing would be %s Ukupno bi sa trenutnom cenom bilo %s Details
Filter by Location Filtriraj prema lokaciji Details
Any Location Bilo koja lokacija Details
Pick-up Pokupi Details
Drop-off Ostavi Details
Pick-up or Drop-off Pokupi ili ostavi Details
Apply Primeniti Details
Orders to Export: %d Nalozi za izvoz: %d Details
Apply Discount Primenite popust Details
Save Sačuvaj Details
Discount Popust Details
Car Auto Details
The car rented will be changed Iznajmljeni automobil će se promeniti Details
Pickup Location Lokacija preuzimanja Details
Drop off Location Odbaciti lokacije Details
The Car was correctly switched. Please select the new Rental Fare for this car. Automobil je ispravno uključen. Molimo vas da izaberete novu cenu najma za ovaj automobil. Details
Out of Hours Fees Naknade van radnog vremena Details
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