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Vik Rent Car

Vik Rent Car

Admin (sr-RS)
Original Translation  
Tied to the Year Vezani za godinu Details
Select All Odaberi sve Details
Types of Price Vrste cena Details
Promotion Promocije Details
Valid up to Važi do Details
days in advance from Start Date dana unapred od datuma početka Details
Promotion Details Detalji promocije Details
Short Description Kratak opis Details
Parameters Parametri Details
Show Cost Per Day in Search Results Prikažite cenu po danu u rezultatima pretrage Details
Custom Page Title Prilagođeni naslov stranice Details
Add it Before the Current Page Title Dodajte ga pre naslova trenutne stranice Details
Add it After the Current Page Title Dodajte ga iza naslova trenutne stranice Details
Replace the Current Page Title Zamenite naslov trenutne stranice Details
Keywords Meta Tag Ključne reči Meta oznaka Details
Description Meta Tag Opis Meta oznake Details
Additional eMail Address Dodatna adresa e -pošte Details
if not empty, this address will be notified together with the administrator email address defined in the Configuration. ako nije prazna, ova adresa će biti obaveštena zajedno sa adresom e -pošte administratora definisanom u konfiguraciji. Details
Country Zemlja Details
::Change method of payment:: :: Promenite način plaćanja :: Details
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