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Vik Rent Car

Vik Rent Car

Admin (sr-RS)
Original Translation  
Customer Info Podaci o kupcu Details
Payment Method Metode plaćanja Details
Total Ukupno Details
Total Paid Ukupno plaćeno Details
Status Status Details
Rental @ %s Iznajmljivanje @ %s Details
Parameters Parametri Details
Loading... Učitavanje ... Details
VikRent Car v.%s - Powered by VikRent Car v.%s - Pokreće ga Details
Save & Close Sačuvaj & Zatvori Details
Days in Advance for bookings Dani unapred za rezervacije Details
Maximum Date in the Future from today Maksimalan datum u budućnosti od danas Details
Days Dani Details
Months Meseci Details
Years Godine Details
Renew Session Obnovi sesiju Details
The PHP Session will be renewed and the new settings will be applied but any logged in user will be logged out. Proceed? PHP sesija će biti obnovljena i nova podešavanja će biti primenjena, ali će svi prijavljeni korisnici biti odjavljeni. Nastaviti? Details
Calendars First Day of the Week Kalendari Prvi dan u nedelji Details
Suggested Time Predloži vreme Details
If not empty, this time will be pre-selected in the drop down menus for selecting the time Ako nije prazno, ovo vreme će biti unapred izabrano u padajućim menijima za izbor vremena Details
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