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Vik Rent Car

Vik Rent Car

Admin (sr-RS)
Original Translation  
Wednesday Sreda Details
Thursday Četvrtak Details
Friday Petak Details
Saturday Subota Details
Insert a starting and an ending date (Season) or select one or more days of the week (Week Days). Only one filter is required. Provide a Season and Week Days to combine the filters Unesite datum početka i završetka (sezone) ili izaberite jedan ili više dana u nedelji (dani nedelje). Potreban je samo jedan filter. Omogućite dane sezone i nedelje za kombinovanje filtera Details
Seasons and Week Days Godišnja doba i dani u nedelji Details
Special Price Name Naziv posebne cene Details
Name Ime Details
Week Days Vikend dani Details
Latitude Geografska širina Details
Longitude Geografska dužina Details
Description Opis Details
Hourly Fares Satnice Details
Daily Fares Dnevne karte Details
Hours Sati Details
Hourly Price(s) Cena po satu Details
Fare for Hours Cena za sate Details
Separator Separator Details
Driver Information Podaci vozaca Details
Load jQuery Library Učitajte jQuery biblioteku Details
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