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Vik Rent Car

Vik Rent Car

Admin (lt-LT)
Original Translation  
Description Aprašymas Details
Auto-Set Order to Confirmed Automatiškai patvirtinti užsakymą Details
If this setting is enabled, when the user selects this payment, the order status will be set to Confirmed when saving the reservation. This setting should always be disabled for methods of payment that need to validate a server response after a credit card payment Jei šis nustatymas yra įjungtas, kai vartotojas pasirinks šį apmokėjimo metodą, jo rezervacija bus automatiškai patvirtinta. Šis nustatymas turėtų būti visada išjungtas apmokėjimo metodams atsiskaitant internetu. Details
Charge/Discount Nuskaitymas/nuolaida Details
Charge + Nuskaitymas + Details
Discount - Nuolaida - Details
Charge/Discount Nuskaitymas/nuolaida Details
Opening Time Atidarymo laikas Details
The opening time for Pickup and-or Drop Off. If empty, the global opening time of the configuration will be applied Atidarymo laikas paėmimui ir grąžinimui. Jei tuščia, bus parinktas globalus nustatytas laikas Details
From Nuo Details
To Iki Details
Pickup Date must be after the beginning of the Season Paėmimo data turi būti sezono pradžioje Details
Extra Hours Charges Po valandinis mokestis Details
Extra Hours of Rental Po valandinė nuoma Details
Hourly Charge(s) Valandinis mokestis Details
These charges will be applied to the daily fares that are longer than one day. A rental from the 20th of December at 8am to the 22nd at 11am can be charged by those 3 extra hours. The setting of the configuration Hours of Extended Gratuity Period will be considered as well. So in that case, the charge for the 3 extra hours will be applied only if that setting is 0, 1 or 2, not if it is 3 or higher. From and To need an integer value, for example From 3 To 6 hours Šie mokesčiai bus taikomi kasdieniniuose kainose, kurios yra ilgiau nei vieną dieną. Details
Select Car Pasirinkite automobilį Details
Apply Extra Hours Charges Taikyti po valandines kainas Details
Before the Special Prices Prieš specialias kainas Details
After the Special Prices Po specialių kainų Details
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