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Vik Rent Car

Vik Rent Car

Admin (it-IT)
Original Translation  
Pickup Location Luogo Ritiro Details
Drop Off Location Luogo Consegna Details
Customer Info Info Cliente Details
Payment Method Metodo Pagamento Details
Total Totale Details
Total Paid Totale Pagato Details
Status Stato Details
Rental @ %s Noleggio @ %s Details
Parameters Parametri Details
Loading... Caricamento... Details
VikRent Car v.%s - Powered by VikRent Car v.%s - Powered by Details
Save & Close Salva & Chiudi Details
Days in Advance for bookings Giorni di Anticipo per Prenotazioni Details
Maximum Date in the Future from today Data Massima nel futuro da oggi Details
Days Giorni Details
Weeks Settimane Details
Months Mesi Details
Years Anni Details
Renew Session Rinnova Sessione Details
The PHP Session will be renewed and the new settings will be applied but any logged in user will be logged out. Proceed? La Sessione sarà rinnovata e la nuova configurazione caricata ma ogni utente verrà disconnesso. Procedere? Details
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