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Vik Events

Vik Events

Admin (zh-CN)
Original Translation  
Home 主页 Details
Upcoming Events 后期活动 Details
Last Reservations 最后预订 Details
Event 活动 Details
Date 日期 Details
People 人员 Details
Status 状态 Details
Availability 可靠性 Details
Edit Seating Chart 编辑座位图表 Details
1 Reservation per User per Item 每个用户每个项目一个预订 Details
Download PDF with the Tickets 下载PDF格式门票 Details
Cannot use dates in the past 不可用过去日期 Details
Begin Date must be previous or equal to End Date 开始日期必须在结束日期之前或与结束日期相同 Details
Reservations End Date must be previous to End Date 预订结束日期必须在结束日期之前 Details
Allow Day Selection 允许选择日期 Details
If enabled, the users will be forced to select one day between the begin date and the end date when they want to participate. Some days can also be disabled from the calendar selection in the front site 如果可以,若用户想要参与活动,用户将会在开始日期与结束日期之间被强制性选择一天。自前端日历选择数天也不被允许。 Details
Please select the begin and the end date. Then re-check this checkbox 请选择开始与结束日期,并重新确认勾选框。 Details
Excluded days between the %s and the %s 除了……和……这几天。 Details
If the group members fields are hidden the tickets will not contain any information about the participants but just a placeholder like Guest #1. If you want the tickets to have a name on it or any other information tight to the individual attendee then this parameter should be disabled and you need to use some custom fields for the group members that each participant will have to fill in. 若群组成员字段被隐藏,门票将不会包含参与者的任何信息,除了为诸如#1客人预留位置。若你想在门票上留下名称或任何其他关于参与者个人信息,此参数将失效,并且你需要为包群组成员使用自定义字段,该自定义字段需每个参与者填入。 Details
Select Day 选择日期 Details
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