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Vik Events

Vik Events

Admin (zh-CN)
Original Translation  
Notes 备注 Details
Cost 费用 Details
Published 公布 Details
Payment Name 支付名称 Details
File Class 档案种类 Details
Published 公布 Details
Cost 费用 Details
Yes Details
No Details
Payment Method 支付方式 Details
Auto-Set Order Confirmed 自动设置订单确认 Details
Vik Events - Methods of Payment 支付方式 Details
Remove 移除 Details
Edit 编辑 Details
New 新建 Details
Vik Events - Edit Method of Payment 编辑支付方式 Details
Vik Events - New Method of Payment 新建支付方式 Details
Payment Method Updated 支付方式更新 Details
File Class is already used in another payment method 档案种类已被用于另一种支付方式 Details
Payment Method Saved 保存支付方式 Details
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