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Vik Channel Manager

Vik Channel Manager

Admin (sq-AL)
Original Translation  
Date blocked Double click to add Details
Excluded dates Double click to add Details
Total room units: %d - Total room types: %d Double click to add Details
Limited units Double click to add Details
Units threshold Double click to add Details
Some previously defined block-date rules are making this day not bookable on the OTAs. You can remove the rule that is currently blocking the room on this date, or you can exclude this day from the rule to allow again bookings on all OTAs. Double click to add Details
Unlock date %s for all rooms Double click to add Details
You need to submit the hotel details first, by filling all the required information about your property. Double click to add Details
Google may take up to 1 business day to process your property details, which were submitted on %s. Please wait at least 24 hours before choosing the room-types to sync with Google Hotel. Double click to add Details
Warning: this value will be automatically populated as soon as you submit your Hotel details Double click to add Details
Click the Save button to use your given Hotel ID Double click to add Details
Warning: changing this value may break your connection, do not change it Double click to add Details
Map Double click to add Details
Latitude and longitude must be coordinates expressed as decimal numbers like 43.7734385 Double click to add Details
Use your current location Double click to add Details
Google must accept your rooms inventory or it won't be possible to transmit availability and rates. This process must complete with success so that the configuration of this channel will be ready. Double click to add Details
Google requires you to submit your property details before being able to use their services. Please make sure to provide all the required information. Double click to add Details
Success Double click to add Details
Warning Double click to add Details
Error Double click to add Details
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