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Vik Channel Manager

Vik Channel Manager

Admin (sq-AL)
Original Translation  
Expiration Reminders Double click to add Details
If enabled, the Channel Manager will display alert messages when the expiration date of the service is near. This will also trigger email reminders to be sent to the specified email address. If disabled, the expiration date of the subscription can be manually checked from the apposite button in the page Dashboard. Double click to add Details
Listing Room Double click to add Details
The listing has got no rooms defined. Please create one first. Double click to add Details
Every photo you upload must be assigned to one <strong>category</strong> to specify what's that photo about. Available categories are:<br/><ul><li><strong>Listing</strong> - a generic photo of the main listing.</li><li><strong>Listing Accessibility Amenity</strong> - a photo describing an accessibility amenity of the main listing (i.e. Disabled Parking Spot).</li><li><strong>Listing Room</strong> - a photo describing a room (previously created) of the listing (i.e. the kitchen or the bathroom).</li><li><strong>Listing Room Accessibility Amenity</strong> - a photo describing an accessibility amenity of a room (previously created) of the main listing (i.e. Grab rails in toilet).</li></ul> Double click to add Details
Warning: your subscription is expired. The Channel Manager will not be able to communicate with any channels until the service will be renewed. Double click to add Details
Warning: your subscription will expire in %d days (%s). Do not forget to renew the service before then to not lose the connectivity. Double click to add Details
Your Channel Manager subscription will expire soon Double click to add Details
This message was generated automatically by your own website at %s.\n\nThis is a reminder to inform you that your E4jConnect subscription for the Channel Manager service will expire in %d days (%s). Do not forget to renew the service before then to not lose the connectivity. Double click to add Details
Currency Converter Double click to add Details
Default currency Double click to add Details
Convert to currency Double click to add Details
Get conversion Double click to add Details
The exchange rate between %s and %s is: %s Double click to add Details
The rates should be modified by %s in order to have your rates in %s converted to %s. Double click to add Details
Please make a selection Double click to add Details
An error occurred while getting the exchange rate. Your server may not be able to fetch the remote exchanging data due to some limitations. Check the full error from your browser console. Double click to add Details
This request was not executed to prevent API errors due to outdated mapping information, please relaunch the Bulk Action - Rates Upload and make sure to select the proper rate plan to update Double click to add Details
Close all rooms no matter what's the real remaining availability (Block dates) Double click to add Details
Block dates Double click to add Details
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