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Vik Channel Manager

Vik Channel Manager

Admin (fa-IR)
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Get full Credit Card details Double click to add Details
Credit Card Details Reconstructed Double click to add Details
<p>This Channel supports two different Pricing Models: <strong>Default Pricing</strong> and <strong>Length of Stay Pricing</strong>. It is important to know which pricing model was configured for your property in order to submit the Rates and Inventory. Please check your Extranet Account if you are not sure.</p><p>If the Rate Plans support the <strong>Default Pricing</strong>, it is sufficient to submit the Full Occupancy price and, optionally, the Single Occupancy Price. Submitting the rates by using the function costs based on Length of Stay, would simply generate a Warning message, no errors.</p><p>If the Rate Plans were configured as <strong>Length of Stay Pricing</strong> then it is required to click the button Add Costs per Night to enter the prices. If this was your current configuration, by submitting the costs with the Default Pricing model (Full Occupancy/Single Occupancy), you would not open your property for booking on those dates because that Model is not supported and it would look like if you had no rates.</p><p>Try to submit the costs for both pricing models to find out what's your configuration. If the Length of Stay Pricing (LOS Price Table on the Extranet) is accepted with no Warning messages, it means that your property was configured for that pricing model.</p> Double click to add Details
Week Days Double click to add Details
Days Double click to add Details
Deselect Double click to add Details
Select Double click to add Details
With this function you can transmit the Availability Inventory of all your room types to all channels connected. The system will read the current availability of the selected room types from your website, for the provided range of dates, and it will push the same Availability to all the selected channels. You can update a maximum dates span of one year, but you can move the From Date to a future date in order to be able to push the information beyond one year from today. Please notice that this function should be used to complete the first configuration of some channels, whenever you want to open up the bookings for dates in the future, or anytime you want to send a full refresh of the availability to some channels. This mass action will not transmit any rates, just the availability. Double click to add Details
Vik Channel Manager - Bulk Copy Availability Inventory Double click to add Details
Bulk Copy Availability Inventory Double click to add Details
Submit Availability Inventory Copy Double click to add Details
Invalid data submitted for copying the Availability Inventory Double click to add Details
Processing... Double click to add Details
Update Request Nodes: Double click to add Details
Bulk Availability Update Request #%d Double click to add Details
(Max %d nodes per request) Double click to add Details
Process completed Double click to add Details
The results of the Bulk Copy Availability Inventory Request will be available in the Dashboard page within the next 3 minutes. E4jConnect will notify your channel manager with the result of the updates. Please do not resend any requests during this time to avoid queues. Double click to add Details
Request successfully submitted! Double click to add Details
Vik Channel Manager - Bulk Upload Rates Inventory Double click to add Details
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