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Vik Channel Manager

Vik Channel Manager

Admin (fa-IR)
Original Translation  
E-Mail Double click to add Details
Phone Number Double click to add Details
Fax Double click to add Details
Hotel details updated successfully! Double click to add Details
Nothing was changed in the hotel details. The request hasn't been submitted. Double click to add Details
Some of the Hotel details are missing. Please fill in all the required (*) fields. Double click to add Details
You have never submitted your hotel details before. Please fill in all the required (*) fields below to become part of the E4jConnect Hotel Inventory. Double click to add Details
Please, fill in all the required (*) fields for your hotel before proceeding with the rooms. Double click to add Details
No rooms available. Please create your rooms first from the component VikBooking. Double click to add Details
The published rooms will be considered for the availability responses when TripAdvisor sends the requests Double click to add Details
Name Double click to add Details
Cost per Night Double click to add Details
URL Double click to add Details
Short Description (Max 1000 characters) Double click to add Details
Published Double click to add Details
Unpublished Double click to add Details
Publish All Double click to add Details
Unpublish All Double click to add Details
Rooms on TripAdvisor: %d Double click to add Details
Rooms saved successfully: %d Double click to add Details
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