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Vik Channel Manager

Vik Channel Manager

Admin (ca-ES)
Original Translation  
Click here to find out more Double click to add Details
You can activate the new Airbnb API channel <strong>for free</strong><sup>1</sup> by clicking the button below. However, please make sure to read the following conditions that will be applied: Double click to add Details
The activation of the new Airbnb API channel is free for all active users until the expiration date of their subscription. Double click to add Details
The Airbnb API channel has got slightly different (higher) costs per year than the old iCal version. The fees are exactly the same as for any other existing API-based channel. Double click to add Details
Those who have an active recurring subscription with automated renewal will pay the same fee for this new channel as the subscription cost is frozen, and the old iCal version no longer exists. If the renewal gets suspended or terminated due to any reasons, the following points will apply. Double click to add Details
Those who DON'T have a recurring subscription and wish to keep using the Airbnb channel, will have to pay a slightly different amount for the new Airbnb API version at their next renewal. Double click to add Details
In accordance with Airbnb, the old iCal integration will no longer be available to renewals or new connections, as this channel will be dismissed. However, it will keep working until the expiration date of your API Key. Double click to add Details
Those who don't want to upgrade to the new Airbnb API channel, will have to choose (or switch to) the &quot;Generic iCal&quot; service from our channels list, because the only channel with the name &quot;Airbnb&quot; will have to be based on API connections. Double click to add Details
Once the new API version will be activated, it will need to be configured. When the account(s) and listings will be synced, you will be asked to delete the old iCal calendar links with Airbnb to completely dismiss this message. Double click to add Details
Thousands of properties have been waiting for this new connection between Vik Channel Manager and Airbnb to be available! Real-time sync with full control over any possible API service, from Guest Reviews to Messaging, Promotions, Scorecards, Booking Inquiries, Request to Book reservations, Special Offers and much more, is what your Channel Manager will be capable of doing! Double click to add Details
Please notice that keeping both services alive with the same name was not possible for our company after the partnership with Airbnb. For this reason, the old and consuming iCal integration will be terminated in accordance with Airbnb. The difference with the subscription fees applied for this new channel is given by the fact that Airbnb, and Expedia will need to have the same costs. Please visit our website for more details. Double click to add Details
Click here to activate Airbnb API Double click to add Details
The new channel <strong>Airbnb API</strong> has been activated! However, the old iCal integration is still active on your Channel Manager, and this will need to be dismissed as soon as possible. Please make sure to complete the configuration of the new Airbnb API channel so that you will be able to delete the old iCal channels and get rid of this message. Double click to add Details
Please make sure to read (again) the following conditions that will be applied: Double click to add Details
Please visit our website if you have any questions. Double click to add Details
Have you connected all the necessary accounts and listings with the new channel? Double click to add Details
Click here to de-activate Airbnb iCal Double click to add Details
Connectivity Double click to add Details
Recovery tools Double click to add Details
Download reservation ID Double click to add Details
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