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Vik Booking

Vik Booking

Site (sl-SI)
Original Translation  
Insufficient data received for converting the currency Ni dovolj informacij za pretvorbo valute. Details
Invalid data received for converting the currency Napačne informacije za pretvorbo valute. Details
Invalid Credit Card Information Received, please try again Napačni podatki plačilne kartice. Prosim poskusite še enkrat. Details
The payment was not verified, please try again Plačilo ni bilo potrjeno. Prosim poskusite še enkrat. Details
Thank you! Credit Card Information Successfully Received Hvala! Podatki plačilne kartice uspešno prejeti Details
Check-out Only Odhod na voljo samo Details
We may use third-party service providers to process your personal information on our behalf for the purposes specified above. For example, we may share some information about you with these third parties so that they can contact you directly by email (e.g. to obtain post-stay reviews about your travel experience). Uporabljamo storitve drugih ponudnikov za obdelavo vaših osebnih podatkov. Naprimer: Vaše podatke lahko delimo z drugim podjetjem z namenom, da vas kontaktirajo za oceno naših storitev. Details
Okay Se strinjam Details
Error, booking total is wrong Napaka. Seštevek naročila je napačen. Details
Rooms Booked Sobe Rezervirane Details
Date of birth Datum Rojstva Details
%s is not available for %d nights or for the number of guests requested. Please try with different dates or guests. %s ni na voljo za %d noči. Prosim izberite druge datume. Details
This coupon requires a greater booking total amount Skupna vsota naročila žal ni zadostna za ta kupon. Details
Error, the minimum number of nights of stay in %s is %d. Please try again. Napaka. Minimalno število noči v %s je %s. Prosim poskusite še enkrat. Details
Error, the number of nights of stay allowed in %s must be a multiple of %d. Please try again. Napaka. Število noči v %s mora biti večkratnik %d. Prosim poskusiite še enkrat. Details
Error, the maximum number of nights of stay in these dates is %d. Please try again. Napaka. Maksimalno število noči v tem obdobju je %d. Prosim poskusite še enkrat. Details
Error, the minimum number of nights of stay in these dates is %d. Please try again. Napaka. Minimalno število noči v tem obdobju je %d. Prosim poskusite še enkrat. Details
Error, the number of nights of stay allowed in these dates must be a multiple of %d. Please try again. Napaka. Število noči v tem obdobju mora biti večkratnik %d. Prosim poskusite znova. Details
Some results were excluded: the maximum number of nights of stay in %s is %d. Nekateri rezultati niso prikazani: Maksimalno število noči na %s je %d Details
Some results were excluded: the minimum number of nights of stay in %s is %d. Nekateri rezultati niso prikazani: Minimalno število noči v %s je %d. Details
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