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Vik Booking

Vik Booking

Admin (tr-TR)
Original Translation  
Customize Marker Double click to add Details
Do you want to remove the marker from the map? Double click to add Details
Hide from map Double click to add Details
Map Ground Overlay Double click to add Details
You can add an image overlay to the map, maybe to represent better a specific area of your property. This is useful for example to show the map of a camping site or a village/resort and to place the markers on their exact positions. You don't need this function if you simply want to show the location of your room-type. Double click to add Details
Please make a selection Double click to add Details
The ground overlay image requires four coordinates in order to draw a rectangle on the map by using your custom image. The rectangle is composed of two points, south-west and north-east. In order to define the best position for your ground overlay image, you will need to provide a coordinate for: the south point (first point latitude), the west point (first point longitude), the north point (second point latitude) and the east point (second point longitude). You can click the helper button to use the current map bounds as the bounds for your overlay image. Double click to add Details
Use current map bounds Double click to add Details
Import configuration Double click to add Details
Do you want to import the geographic information? Double click to add Details
Geocoding failed for the following reason: Double click to add Details
Please fill all required fields Double click to add Details
Marker Icon Type Double click to add Details
Google Maps Default Icon Double click to add Details
SVG Icon Double click to add Details
Image Icon Double click to add Details
Add New Double click to add Details
New SVG Icon Name Double click to add Details
SVG Path Double click to add Details
In order to add a new custom SVG icon it is necessary to copy its shape commands, usually contained inside the <strong>d</strong> attribute of the <strong>&lsaquo;path&rsaquo;</strong> tag. SVG icons have an HTML structure, and either if you download or generate a .svg file, by opening the file with a text-editor, you will be able to locate the shape commands inside the <strong>d</strong> attribute. This is an example of an HTML SVG tag:<br/>&lsaquo;svg&rsaquo;<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&lsaquo;path d=&quot;<strong>M150 0 L75 200 L225 200 Z</strong>&quot; /&rsaquo;<br/>&lsaquo;/svg&rsaquo;<br/>In this example, the path shape you want to copy and use in this tool is just <u><i>M150 0 L75 200 L225 200 Z</i></u> Double click to add Details
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