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Vik Booking

Vik Booking

Admin (sl-SI)
Original Translation  
Back to Channel Manager Nazaj na urejevalnik kanala Details
%s Adults %s odraslih Details
Switch Room Zamenjaj sobo z Details
Error: the room %s cannot be switched to the %s on these dates. Napaka: soba %s ne more biti zamenjana z %s na ta datum. Details
The room %s has been switched to the %s. Choose Rates and Options for all the Rooms then click the Save button again. Soba %s je bila zamenjana z %s. Izberite tarife in opcije za te sobe in kliknite Shrani. Details
Room is not available from Ta soba ni na voljo od Details
Reservation not found Ne najdem podatkov o naročilu Details
Rooms Booked Sobe rezervirane Details
Discount Zmanjšaj Details
Discount Zmanjšaj Details
Always Show Notes Zmeraj prikaži Zapiske Details
Costs/Pricing Dnevne tarife Details
The default absolute or percentage value can be different depending on the nights of stay. For example you can override the default value of the Special Price for 7 Nights of stay and set it to a lower charge or to a higher decrease. Do not override the default value for always applying the same charge or decrease regardless the length of stay in the days affected by this Special Price. Privzeta absolutna ali procentualna vrednost je lahko različna glede na število nočitev. Naprimer: lahko prepišete privzeto vrednost za posebno ceno za 7 nočitev in nastavite nižjo ceno ali večjo znižanje. Details
Re-send Email Ponovno pošlji e-pošto Details
Close room in these dates Zapri sobo v teh datumih Details
From Date Od datuma: Details
To Date Do datuma: Details
Error: restrictions must have a month or a dates range, from and to. Napaka. Omejitve morajo imeti izbran mesec ali obdobje Details
Apply to all rooms Uporabi za vse sobe Details
Rooms affected by this restriction Prizadete sobe: Details
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