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Vik Booking

Vik Booking

Admin (sl-SI)
Original Translation  
Tied to the Year Vezano na lweto Details
2 Years 2 leti Details
Availability for Multiple-rooms search Razpoložljivost iskanja već-sobno Details
Dynamic Dinamično Details
Automatic Avtomatsko Details
Maximum Date in the Future from today Maksimalni datum v prihodnosti od danes Details
Days Dnevi Details
Weeks Tedni Details
Months Meseci Details
Years Leta Details
Calendars first day of the week Koledarski prvi dan v tednu Details
Filter by Room Filtriraj po sobah Details
Image Caption Napis slike Details
Save Changes Shrani nastavitve Details
Remove Image Odstrani sliko Details
(%s years old) (%s let starosti) Details
Traveler Details Podrobnosti potovalca. Details
First Name Ime Details
Last Name Priimek Details
Channel Manager Urejevalnik kanala Details
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