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Vik Booking

Vik Booking

Admin (nn-NO)
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No Cron Jobs currently set up or scheduled. Double click to add Details
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This cron job could be executed automatically by your server at regular intervals. The cron can also be executed manually by an administrator but letting the server do it, will be effortless and fully functional. Only servers supporting a Cron utility like crontab will be able of executing this cron job. Double click to add Details
Installation Steps Double click to add Details
Download the executable PHP file for this cron job onto a local folder of your computer. Double click to add Details
Upload the downloaded file onto a directory of your server, either before, in or after the root directory of the web-server. Double click to add Details
Log in to your server control panel and add a new job for your Cron Utility. Your hosting company should help you use this tool. Double click to add Details
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