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Vik Booking

Vik Booking

Admin (nl-BE)
Original Translation  
Forecast Double click to add Details
Weekend Double click to add Details
Booked at Double click to add Details
Keep the checkbox ticked to maintain the original room cost that was selected at the time of booking. If you untick the checkbox, the new price at today will be applied. Alternatively, you can choose to set a custom rate. Double click to add Details
Suggested occupancy Double click to add Details
Create some room-types to enable the booking process. Your rooms will have their own calendars for the availability and rates, and your guests will be booking the room-types you have set up. Double click to add Details
It is necessary to define the basic costs per night for each room for the various rate plans you have created. Other seasonal rates can be set up later from the page Rates Overview. Double click to add Details
Orphan dates calculation Double click to add Details
The dates displayed as "orphans" are those nights that cannot be booked due to some booking restrictions that force a minimum length of stay greater than 1 night. Such orphan dates can be calculated in two ways: by only checking the bookings for the dates ahead (in the future), or by also considering the free nights before a specific date. Choose your preferred calculation method to see warning messages about the various orphan dates found, in case you would like to reduce or remove the restrictions for the minimum stay. Double click to add Details
Free nights ahead Double click to add Details
Free nights ahead and back Double click to add Details
Multiple rooms booking layout Double click to add Details
Classic Double click to add Details
Compact Double click to add Details
Selecting no week days equals to selecting all 7 week days Double click to add Details
The name of this pricing rule. Visible only if "Promotion" enabled. Can be left empty Double click to add Details
If disabled, the pricing rule will be applied on the selected range of dates regardless of the year Double click to add Details
If enabled, the rule will be applied only if the check-in date for the stay is included in the range of dates Double click to add Details
Make this pricing rule a "Promotion" to display it in the front-end booking process Double click to add Details
Select some of the active channels supporting promotions to create it also there Double click to add Details
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