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Vik Booking

Vik Booking

Admin (da-DK)
Original Translation  
Website Website Details
It's a City Tax Det er by skat Details
It's a Fee Det er gratis Details
These settings are needed by the system to know if this Option is a City Tax like local/tourist taxes, or if it's a Fee like a booking fee, a mandatory resort fee, or a gratuity service fee that has to be paid at time of booking. Leave these settings disabled if the Option is not a tax or a fee, but just an extra service. These two settings are needed by the system to know if this Option is a City Tax like local taxes or if it's a Fee like a booking fee, a mandatory resort fee or a gratuity service fee that has to be paid at time of booking. Leave these settings disabled if the Option is not a tax or a fee but just an extra service. Details
Taxes (VAT) Moms Details
City Taxes By skat Details
Fees vederlag Details
Breakfast Included Morgenmad er inklusiv Details
Refundable Gratis annullering Details
Up to n days before arrival Inden n dage før ankomst Details
Up to %d days before arrival Inden %d dage før ankomst Details
Show Tax in Summary Only Vis skat kun i resume Details
Tied to the Year Bundt til et år Details
2 Years 2 år Details
Availability for Multiple-rooms search Mulighed for multi hus søgning Details
Dynamic Dynamisk Details
Automatic Automatisk Details
Maximum Date in the Future from today Max dage fra dags dato Details
Days Dage Details
Weeks Uger Details
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