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Vik Appointments

Vik Appointments

Admin (sq-AL)
Original Translation  
Double Quote Double click to add Details
Single Quote Double click to add Details
Max Records per Insert Double click to add Details
The maximum number of records to insert using the same query. Double click to add Details
DB Prefix Double click to add Details
The database prefix to use. If not provided, the default one will be used. Double click to add Details
Hover the mouse above the occupied time slots to see the participants list. Double click to add Details
x%d appointments Double click to add Details
VikAppointments - Software Update Double click to add Details
Checking Version... Double click to add Details
Download Update & Install Double click to add Details
Download & Re-Install Double click to add Details
It may take a few minutes to completion.<br />Please wait without leaving the page or closing the browser. Double click to add Details
The status has been changed from the order management page. Double click to add Details
The status has been switched from the reservations list. Double click to add Details
The status has been changed by using the confirmation link. Double click to add Details
The order has been confirmed automatically because there is not a cost to pay. Double click to add Details
The order has been confirmed automatically since there are no methods of payment. Double click to add Details
The order has been confirmed automatically as a result of the payment configuration. Double click to add Details
The records of this order have been redeemed using the packages. Double click to add Details
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