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Clone from %s Double click to add Details
Back-end Double click to add Details
Events Height Double click to add Details
The amount specified here indicates the number of pixels to use per each hour. Increase this amount in case the events in the weekly calendar page looks too squeezed. The total height of an event will be equal to the number of minutes / 60 * the value specified here. Double click to add Details
Conversion tracking is a process used in digital marketing to monitor and measure the actions taken by users after interacting. Enable this setting if you want to configure your preferred providers, such as Google Analytics or Meta Pixel. Double click to add Details
Add Attribute Double click to add Details
Conversion Double click to add Details
The currency conversion will be handled according to the enabled providers, exactly in the same ordering they are listed below. In case a provider is not able to fulfill the request, the system will move to the next available one until a conversion rate is taken. The conversion rates are internally cached up to 12 hours, depending on the provider used. Double click to add Details
European Central Bank Double click to add Details
Enable this option if you want to rely on the conversion rates issued by the ECB. The usage of this service is free. It is possible to use this service only if your default currency is <strong>EUR</strong>. The conversion rates are cached for 6 hours. Double click to add Details
Float Rates Double click to add Details
Enable this option if you want to rely on the conversion rates issued by the Float Rates service. The usage of this service is free. The conversion rates are cached for 12 hours. Double click to add Details
Currency API Double click to add Details
Enable this option if you want to rely on the conversion rates issued by the Currency API service. The usage of this service is free but requires the registration of an account to obtain a valid API key. Double click to add Details
API Key Double click to add Details
Cache Lifetime Double click to add Details
You can decide to refresh the conversion rates more frequently if you have a paid account. The value (in minutes) indicate how long the cache should be preserved. Double click to add Details
Visit Site Double click to add Details
Shared Double click to add Details
The maximum quantity will be shared among all the options of the same group that are shareable too. Basically, the sum of the units selected for the shareable options must be equal or lower than the number of participants. Eg. 2 shareable options, 5 participants selected: if 3 units are selected for the first option, the second one can be selected up to 2 times. Double click to add Details
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