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Vik Appointments

Vik Appointments

Admin (pt-PT)
Original Translation  
Loading Mode Modo de carregar de comentários Details
Group Filter Habilitar filtro de grupos Details
E-mail Details Detalhes personalizados de E-mail Details
E-mail Content E-mail conteúdo personalizado Details
%d invoices generated. facturas geradas: %d Details
Last Usage Usado na Details
Fetch coordinates of the specified address Obter as coordenadas do endereço Details
Logged in Conectado Details
Check-in Day Dia de check-in Details
Employees # empregados Details
Max Usages Quantidade de Max Details
Total Usages Quantidade utilizada Details
Auto Remove After Usage Remover Auto quando usado Details
Ordering Filter Habilitar ordenação filtro Details
Admin Notification Modelo de email Admin Details
Employee Notification Modelo de email do funcionário Details
Cancellation (admin) Modelo de E-Mail de cancelamento Details
Auto-Generation Auto gerar fatura Details
Concurrent Check-ins Mesmo check-in no carrinho Details
check-in date data de check-in Details
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