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Vik Appointments

Vik Appointments

Admin (fa-IR)
Original Translation  
Choose whether the date of the invoice should be equals to the check-in date, to the booking/purchase date or to the current date. Double click to add Details
Select here the default type of taxes to use. It is possible to specify different types of taxes from the management page of each single item (services, options, packages and so on). Double click to add Details
This field can be used to include some legal information within the invoice. The specified text will be reported below the company logo (top-left side of the first page). Double click to add Details
The system will generate an invoice for all the orders that have been created within the selected month and year. Double click to add Details
Turn on this option to overwrite any existing invoices already generated for the matching order. Leave it unchecked to generate the invoices only for the new orders. Double click to add Details
Turn on this option to automatically send the generated invoices to the customers. The invoice will be sent via e-mail to the address specified during the purchase. Double click to add Details
All the images within the invoice will be scaled by the specified percentage amount. The higher the value, the smaller the images. Use <em>100%</em> to leave the images at their original sizes. Double click to add Details
A title to be displayed on the top of the page. In case the text is not visible, it is needed to increase the <b>Margin Top</b> parameter until the title appears. Double click to add Details
The footer only displays the number of the page (e.g. 1/2). In case the text is not visible, it is needed to increase the <b>Margin Bottom</b> parameter until the footer appears. Double click to add Details
Invoice generated. Double click to add Details
%d customers notified via mail. Double click to add Details
Customer notified via mail. Double click to add Details
No invoice generated! Double click to add Details
Issue Invoices Double click to add Details
Generate an invoice for the selected orders.<br />In case an order already owns an invoice, it WILL NOT be overwritten. Double click to add Details
12 Hours Without Leading Zero Double click to add Details
24 Hours Without Leading Zero Double click to add Details
Send to Employees Double click to add Details
Send to Admin Double click to add Details
Automatically send a notification message to the customers. Double click to add Details
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