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Vik Appointments

Vik Appointments

Admin (es-ES)
Original Translation  
Invoices Facturas Details
VikAppointments - Invoices Archive VikAppointments - Archivo de facturas Details
Others Otros Details
All Todas Details
Load more invoices Cargar más facturas Details
Load all invoices Cargar todas las facturas Details
Your appointment for {service} @ {checkin} is now CONFIRMED. Su cita para {service} @ {checkin} ahora está CONFIRMADA. Details
Your appointments booked on {created_on} are now CONFIRMED. Sus citas reservadas en {created_on} ahora están CONFIRMADAS. Details
A new appointment @ {checkin} has been CONFIRMED for {service}. Se ha CONFIRMADO una nueva cita @ {checkin} para {service}. Details
The appointments of {customer} have been CONFIRMED. Las citas de {customer} se han CONFIRMADO. Details
For Multiple Orders Para pedidos múltiples Details
For Single Orders Para pedidos individuales Details
Invoice Number Número de factura Details
Date Fecha Details
Description Descripción Details
Price Precio Details
Customer Info Información del cliente Details
Net Price Precio neto Details
Taxes Impuestos Details
Total Cost Costo total Details
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